#2 Mrs Dzedze writes:
A Zoo of Emotions

Written By Yana Fay Dzedze

It's 9:09pm. I'm sitting on my bed, typing with one hand, naked sleeping baby cradled with the other. White noise with the sound of crashing waves plays in the background and Nyaniso is in the bath, basking in life with a newly shaven head. Cleansed.

There's been a lot of energy shifting in our home today. Our child has been sensing us moving through it. There's been a restlessness in our easy baby. A sensitivity in her that knows when things are not calm.

I am grateful. For all the tools I have tucked in my pockets and up my sleeves. This morning I woke with a zoo of emotions cursing through me. As the day has passed I've fed the animals inside. Written to understand them, cleared emotions from my system. I was caught up in judgment. Spineless Coward was what I found myself thinking about someone in my life. So I flipped it onto myself. A trick I use to find out what's really going on. "Such a spineless coward" I tutted about said person. And then, "I'm such a spineless coward" I received as an echo of my judgment. I took a deep breath in, felt into all the places that it's true, and cleared it.

Things shifted from there. I softened. Into all the fear I've been bypassing and all the ways I've been running from myself. All the ways I've been terrified of being judged as a spineless coward, and therefore given the coward strength.

Deep. Breaths.

Emotions, emotions.

Knowing how to move emotions is hygiene to our home. It's as important as bathing so we don't walk about stinking. I can't imagine a life without knowing how to cleanse my internal world of big feelings. I don't know how I would have given birth without it, and I certainly don't think our daughter would be as easy-going as she is if it wasn't for this work we've come to know and love so deeply. HypnoBirthing too. Game. Changer. I wish the wisdom that lives in our human bones is normalized collectively. That the sterile lies that keep us away from our nature are dissolved. Those lies are making us (society at large) stinky! Disconnected from our bodies and what they know so well to do: Cleanse, heal, birth.


#1 Mrs Dzedze writes: Eight Days Old


#3 Mrs Dzedze writes: Seeing Her