“Whether it’s needed reflections of cultural awareness, birthing my next level of business, being gently held through relationship journeys or stepping more fully into my creativity, Yana holds a safe space to explore it all” - LN

I’m multifaceted in my approach to personal and collective transformation, and believe that a better world is made of many humans who feel better within. In any 1:1 work with me, I will seek to know your intentions and intuitively prescribe what is needed drawing from a varied toolkit.

I help you to sit in what is uncomfortable, to move all the way through to a place of transformation. I witness you in what is heavy, to lighten the load. I intuit emotional clearing to free you of stagnation, and I teach you the tools to healthily communicate and express yourself into the world.

Your intention for our journey will be held at the heart of everything we do together.

There are four key pillars that uphold my coaching and transformation work, and it’s common for a client to feel a resonance with one or more, due to the natural intersection that appears between these for myself, and so many of those who come to work with me. Sessions are always intuitively led and draw on your intention for the session.

✓ Commit to 6 / 12 sessions
✓ Flexible schedule - book when you like
✓ Spacious approach
✓ Tailored to suit your needs as and when you book
✓ One time payment

  • Payment plans available upon request

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Blessings to the unfolding ahead.