The Life Writing Manual: with Yana Fay Dzedze & Rebecca Tantony

Real life is the most fascinating and ordinary place to begin- our lived experiences, our unique human journey filled with its triumphs and failures, is book worthy.

β€œWe write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”--AnaΓ―s Nin

Whatever motivates and inspires you to write, this Manual has been carefully designed to guide you through that process. From initial ideas and the forming  of our narrative, to structure, technique and writing prompts, all the way through to publishing, let it serve as inspiration and creative empowerment when you need it most.

The Life Writing Manual is for all kinds of writing- poetry, memoir, travel writing, autobiography and flash nonfiction. It’s also for all kinds of people- those who have never taken pen to paper, those early morning journal writers, poetry scribblers, quiet storytellers, established writers who already work in the industry but need some additional support, and everyone in between. As long as you understand there is a quiet knock on your heart, a story tapping its fist against your chest, and it will keep getting louder until you finally listen.

This Manual has been written by professional writers Rebecca Tantony and Yana Fay Dzedze, a book they have most needed themselves, in times of creative drought and inundation. We have structured it so it reads like a book, in a chronological order that makes sense to your process, but please jump in and out if there are certain sections that speak to you or you need extra guidance around. And remember we are here, whole heartedly rooting for you and your work.

Included in this offer:

Practical tasks that you can apply to your writing practise, covering the practical elements and more personal, emotional ones too. With limited text on each page the writing is easy to absorb; leaning into the impact of simplicity.

Written guidance

Imagine a podcast: Yana & Rebecca sitting on a couch in Cornwall, talking through key elements of the writing process and their journey as writers. These conversations are generous, and pouring, and very human. We even keep in the fumbles and laughter.

Audio conversations

Short and sweet video shares from both Yana & Rebecca, sharing practical and emotional tools, philosophies and approaches to writing that will support you in your Life Writing journey.

Video sharings

β€œI have transformed as a writer.”

β€” Sophie

Hey, Hi! We are Yana & Rebecca. The Life Writing Manual was born from a beautiful sisterhood that we have shared for many years.

(People often mistake us as actual sisters) and so we pretend that we are. Together we have traversed deep waters, we have travelled and danced, and hired each other for emotional and creative support.

A co-created offer just made sense. One which poured our love for writing, to help others on their writing journey. With our combined perspectives and experiences, this offer is jam-packed with astronomical value. 30 lessons; a mixture of text, audio and video for you to absorb in bite-sized chunks.

If you’re looking for support in your writing journey, either kick-starting your life writing, or receiving a boost in a writing process that has already begun; this may very well be what you’re looking for.


  • Whilst you do gain access to pre-recorded content, there are no live elements to this call. You have lifetime access to this offer and can engage it at a pace that works for you.

  • While The Life Writing Manual does not include personalized feedback, Yana & Rebecca are available for 1:1 mentoring as an additional package. Please contact them individually to discuss options.

  • No, you don't have to be a writer to sign up. This offer is designed for anyone who wants to deepen their process with writing. Whether you're an experienced writer, just starting out, or simply journal from time to time, there will be heaps of value you can carry forward into your life writing process.

  • Once you purchase The Life Writing Manual, you will have lifetime access to all the course materials, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

  • We do not offer refunds on this offer.

  • The Life Writing Manual is a unique blend of Yana & Rebecca's combined experiences, emotional and creative support, and their passion for writing. This course offers a personal touch and practical advice that is unique.

β€œHer enthusiasm for writing and connecting with your authentic self is infectious.”