49 Mrs Dzedze writes:
Closing The Daily Dzedze

Written By Yana Fay Dzedze

My Mama leaves in ten days, and with a happy heavy heart I've made the decision to close The Daily Dzedze membership. 

I wonder if it's difficult for plants to push their way through the earth towards the light. Whether they grieve the dark moist soil they were once held in, or ask for a moment to pause and catch their breath. I always imagined they gracefully rose, as nature intended. Perhaps they are exasperated though, unable to do anything about their god-given journey, like old ladies smearing anti-aging cream into wrinkled faces.

I've been feeling the sun calling me to grow towards it. To become more of myself and blossom as a creative, mother, human. The sun hauls me into visions of what's next, and I've been tentatively receiving the quest.

"Share this writing publicly, it's going to be of value to so many. Record yourself speaking your shares for the world to hear. Begin to energize a space for your book to land into, and give yourself completely to your way with words."

As Alatha grows, more robust and chatty by the day, she asks me to grow too. It's been twenty weeks since our baby girl arrived in our arms. Four very full months of finding our feet and traversing the whirlwind of life with a child. I look back to my very first post here. Delicate, recovering, finding my way, with an eight day old baby cradled. Today she's a magnificent giant, grinning at us with happy chirrups, nattering too when the adults are talking and wanting to explore all she can.

This space was created as a sacred nest, to express all the happenings in real time, away from the fangs of a big wide world outside. I didn’t know where this writing would take me when the journey began, I just knew I had to express. Your presence gave me the safety to rest into the earliest days of mamahood and the gratitude I have for you witnessing me and my family in such tender times is abundant. 

Many blessings to your year ahead, a wild and wonderful Happy New Year - May we forever give ourselves and each other the permission to follow aliveness, and may we thrive.

Mrs Dzedze xo


#48 Mrs Dzedze writes: Emerging

