Dear One, you’re here! About to embark on a journey of mine, perhaps the most personal I’ve ever shared. After eight years with my husband and three years married, our darling daughter arrived in our arms. When she came, I knew I had to write and share my process, so I set up a private membership for nearest and dearest to follow ‘Daily Dzedze’ entries in real-time. It was a powerful process for me. Nyaniso wrote entries too, to share of his journey into fatherhood. Five months into this initiation, I felt the time come to dismantle the small membership nest I created, and channel my shares into a public space. Here we are!

Over the months, I’ve received numerous messages sharing how my words have impacted those reading. I hope they do the same for you. May my own journey bring you closer to your own. May it inspire you to meet life in a way that makes way for fullness, connection and a deep sense of honesty in your bones. There are almost fifty posts total, I encourage you to read them in chronological order. To begin reading, click the #1 link below.


#1 Mrs Dzedze writes: Eight Days Old